
Why EP Physio Plus Is Your Trusted Choice for Physiotherapy and Exercise Physiology...

At EP Physio Plus our dedicated team of physiotherapists and exercise physiologists is committed to helping you feel better, move better, and perform better. We understand that each client's journey towards health and wellness is...

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Our Team’s Tips for the Best Finals Series....

The finals series is fast approaching for all our football, netball, hockey and soccer teams here  on the Eyre Peninsula, and the anticipation is building. We know  you want to be in peak physical condition...

How can you help us - help you?...

Person-centred care is important to us at EP Physio Plus. You can expect our focus to be on helping YOU: From your first phone call to...

Peace & Love...

You’ve sprained your ankle, twisted your knee, tweaked your hammy, strained your calf or slammed your finger in the door… OUCH!
What did you do next?...

Get a spring in your step this running season...

With the weather starting to show glimpses of sunshine, it must be time to dust off the runners and start hitting the tracks and trails around Port Lincoln.  Before you do, however, it’s important to make sure your body is ready to cope with the stresses that running can place on it...

Let's all go fishing this summer!...

Who doesn't love getting out on the water, casting a line and reeling in some fish?
With the weather starting to warm up and winter sports done and dusted, many of us are looking forward to the opportunity to partake in one of our favorite pastimes, fishing!

Exercise for Heart Health...

It is a saying we hear all the time - ‘exercise is good for your heart health’. But what impact does exercise ACTUALLY have on the structure and function of your heart?...

What is DRAM?...

Diastasis of Recti Abdominis Muscles AKA abdominal separation AKA the gap between your 6 pack muscles which often forms as a result of pregnancy. That is what DRAM is; ‘Diastasis’ meaning separation and ‘recti’ referring to your ab muscles. But why do we hear so much about it and why is it important...

Power Training...

As we age, we naturally experience a decline in muscle mass, strength, and power. This can lead to a host of health problems, including falls, fractures, and loss of independence. However, the good news is that regular exercise ...

Exercise Physiology Group...

Following on from Exercise Right week in May, you may have seen our posts about the different reasons that people participate in exercise, whether that be to improve your mood & mental health, to improve muscular strength and endurance, or for the cardiovascular benefits. A common problem we see...

How to feel better in Mind and Body...

Are you like me, and have body niggles that really annoy you? Perhaps you have noisy thoughts. Do you want a calmer body and a quieter mind? Mindful movement is a great way to shift your focus from that niggle that’s gnawing at you ...

Is your body holding you back from making the most of your retirement?

Did you have hopes and dreams for your retirement that are now being put on hold due to pain, injury or ill-health? Read on for some simple solutions to get you back doing the things you love! Often once the decision is made to retire from work, the first thing people do is what we’d all expect, relax! However, after being involved in the workforce for so long ...

Exercise for Osteoporosis Management.

Have you or someone you know ever been told that you have osteopenia or osteoporosis? Or that when you get older your bones become weaker? Osteoporosis is defined as…

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Elevate Your Comfort: The Health Benefits of Archie Arch Support Thongs and Slides.

Traditionally, thongs and slides might not be the first footwear that comes to mind when thinking about foot health and comfort. Archie Footwear is here to change that perception with their innovative designs that beautifully combine everyday convenience and orthopedic advantages

The Importance of a Good Assessment.

Functional Movement Screen - What it is and why? 

Did you know that many aches and pains from musculoskeletal conditions or certain movements can be reduced or prevented by...

Try Tabata Today!

Chances are you haven’t heard of Tabata training but it just might be the missing link in helping you to reach your health and fitness goals! Tabata training addresses one of the biggest barriers we all have to exercising...

"Use it or Loose it."

Have you noticed that you’re losing your strength as you get older? Are physical tasks that used to be easy, now feeling like a challenge? Are those muscles that once felt firm and toned beginning to feel squishy and soft? It’s not uncommon...

Return to Sport post ACL injury.

Understandably, “when can I return to sport?” is one of the first questions clients ask post ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) injury. I get it, you’re mid season, staring down the barrel of a premiership when BAM! Your sporting career gets flipped on its head thanks to a rope like structure in your knee. Unfortunately, the answer isn’t what most want to hear...

“Nuts to Guts” is just the beginning, why exercise is vital for men with Prostate Cancer.

Have you or someone you love had Prostate Cancer and don’t seem to have the energy and vitality you had before? This article could make a big difference to your life. Prostate Cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer for men in Australia. Although it does have a high 5-year survival rate if diagnosed early, the ongoing effects from the treatment can have a significant impact on quality of life...

Don't Wait, Lift Weight.

How If you think you don’t need to do resistance training, chances are you need to do resistance training more than anyone! It is a widely held misconception that resistance training is only for athletes looking to improve their athletic performance when in actual fact resistance is hugely beneficial to...

Training Principles and Improving Athletic Performance.

How to get the most out of your training and improve sporting performance. Are you looking to improve your sporting performance? Or are you training daily and not seeing results? If so, then keep reading, we may be able to help! We all wish we were full of natural talent...

Physio to Patient-how hurting my back reminded me of the importance of guided recovery.

A couple months ago I twinged my lower back during a netball game. Like most, I expected it would go away with rest and gentle movement. I know, I know, as a Physiotherapist I should know better but I was using the “life is too busy to put myself first” excuse! Over the next couple months it settled. Then...

Make an EP your PT!

Are you hesitant to hire a personal trainer or hit the gym on your own, because you’re worried that your health problems are going to get in the way? Keep on reading because we have the solution for you. Earlier this year, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare found that...

The 'Offseason'

With football, netball and hockey seasons recently coming to a close, now is the perfect time to get on top of those niggling injuries that have been going on in the background all season. Whether it be an achy knee, ankle or tight hamstring or low back, now is a great time to...

Hydrotherapy- exercise ...without pain...

Do you ever suffer from pain when exercising? Does discomfort take away your enjoyment of getting moving? This is an important article that could make a world of difference to want to exercise but it hurts too much when you try...

MOVEmber- For Men's Health...

Movember… it’s so much more than growing a terrible moustache or a movement challenge!  November brings with it the return of “Movember”, which sees us band together to raise funds and awareness. But what are we actually raising awareness and funds for? The answer is plain and simple ...

WHAT is Pregnancy Related Pelvic Girdle Pain and HOW do I fix it?!...

Are you pregnant and struggling to carry out general everyday tasks including walking and housework because your hips, groin and/or pelvis hurts? Well read on because this blog is for you! Pregnancy Related Pelvic Girdle Pain (AKA PrPGP) affects 60-70% of women at some stage throughout their pregnancy. Most commonly ...

How to make exercise a daily habit without any effort at all!...

Have you tried every possible way to incorporate exercise into your routine, but nothing ever sticks? This is an important article that could make a world of difference for you.  James Clear’s best seller “Atomic Habits” is flying off bookshelves worldwide at the moment. I’m going to show you how to take the key principles from this book and apply them ...

The Importance of an Effective Warm-Up...

There may be a few kinds of people reading this article: One could be the person who feels as though it takes a while to get moving and feel good while exercising. Another could be the person who is over eager and keen to get started! Or you could be the person who...

Running for Beginners...

With the weather starting to warm up, what better time is there to start your journey to becoming a runner?! Running is a free and fantastic form of exercise with more benefits than I can list. But the prospect of starting to run is often daunting for those who don’t consider themselves a ‘natural runner’. But fear not ...

How to be an Olympic Athlete in your lounge room...

It seems like only yesterday we were watching our Aussie Olympic heroes in Tokyo, and now they will be back on our screens for the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, starting on the 28th July! Watching these elite performers is a great reminder of just how ...

"Why do I keep spraining my ankle?"...

Well chances are it’s because you haven’t rehabilitated it properly! So many of us fall victim to the common; “Whoops! there goes my ankle”, have a week off sport, oh look the pain’s gone, strap it up and get back out there, a few games later “whoops, there goes my ankle again” pattern! Does this sound like you? If so, read on ...

“So is this like acupuncture?”...

It’s the most common question we get when we explain how we can use dry needling to help relieve symptoms. Dry needling uses the same acupuncture needles used in Chinese medicine. The training required and the theory behind them differentiate ...

The Role of Exercise for Diabetes- National Diabetes Week 2023...

We all know the countless benefits that consistent exercise can have for us, but this week we are looking at the role it can play for someone living with diabetes. The reason for this? It’s National Diabetes Week! In Australia, a person is diagnosed with diabetes every 5 minutes ...

What are Shin Splints?...

Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS) AKA Shin Splints is a condition defined by pain along the inner border of the shin bone (tibia) as a result of repetitive loading. What do you mean by repetitive loading you ask? ...

Posture - Does it Matter?...

How often have you been told to “stop slouching and sit up straight”? It’s something that is drilled into us from a young age with parents and teachers often telling us that we’ll hurt our back if we slouch too much. But is this really the case? ...

The Warm Up Revolution...

The world is an ever changing place with new information and technology constantly evolving and the world of sport is no different. We are seeing new rules, new gear and new technology change the way sport is played across all levels from grassroots to professional. However, there is a part of the sporting world that hasn’t changed ...

Reducing the Pressure:The benefits of exercise for High Blood Pressure...

Has your Doctor mentioned the words high blood pressure? There is a good chance they have as it affects one in three people. If you would like more of an understanding on what high blood pressure is ...

What to expect when you see an Exercise Physiologist?

We are lucky enough to have two Exercise Physiologist’s here at EP Physio Plus and a common trend we find is that people don’t quite know what to expect when they first come to see us. We wouldn’t want this uncertainty about Exercise Physiology from stopping you coming ...

What is the difference between Pilates and Core & More?

Imagine if there was an exercise class that not only used the pilates method but offered individualised sessions, had a physio as the instructor AND allowed you to claim private health?! Well lucky you! There is! It’s called ...

Exercise for Parkinson's Disease ...

Parkinson’s disease is a condition with a variety of symptoms that include tremors, slowness of movement and rigidity. Symptoms start to appear when the brain can't make enough dopamine to control movement properly. It is estimated that 100,000 Australians are living with Parkinson’s ...

Get to know your rotator cuff ...

You would have almost certainly heard the term rotator cuff before when talking about shoulders but what exactly is it? What makes up the rotator cuff? The aim of this blog is to help you better understand what makes up your rotator cuff and each muscle’s role ...

Group Exercise tailored to your needs ...

If you're looking for a personalized approach to exercise in a supportive and motivating environment, you might want to consider an individual gym program in a group setting and supervised by Tim, Rachel, Matt or Claire. In this blog post, we'll explore the..

Five ways to find the time to exercise ...

Holiday mode is over and once again we are short on time which means that for a lot of us, exercising falls down the list of priorities. I thought this might be a good opportunity to share my 5 key tips to help you find more time to exercise...

What is the pelvic floor? ...

Many people are getting more aware that we all (yes men, you too) have this thing called a ‘Pelvic Floor’, but where is it? What does it do? Why do we get so many issues because of it? Well read on. Apologies fellas, this one is more focused towards your better half ...

How to improve your golf swing ...

If you’re noticing that your golf swing is out of whack or you’re losing power in your drives then keep reading!The golf swing is a complex movement that requires a large range of motion throughout your entire body in order to generate the force required to hit the ball a long way. This movement comes from your ankles ...

Let's HIIT your goals ...

If you are a person who finds it hard to get the time to exercise, then we have a good solution for you. We all know that regular physical activity and exercise is good for our overall health and well being. Through exercise we are able to build strength and it is great for both managing and preventing diseases such as ...

The Key To A Good Night’s Sleep ...

We all know how much sleep we should be getting per night, 7-9 hours seem to be the magic numbers. This is the general recommendation with some people being able to get by on 6 hours sleep while other people may need ...

New year new you ...

Most of us have New Year’s resolutions that we’d like to kick off the year with. For many of us, that includes a new health and fitness regime. To avoid any setbacks to your health and fitness program, make sure that you are free from ...

Move better this harvest season ...

It’s that time of year, many of our local farmers are currently hard at work harvesting their crops. Our bodies are designed to move, they are not designed to sit still for hours on end. The more movement we do, the better our bodies do. However, during this busy time of year most farmers spend 10-14 hours a day sitting in a machine such as a header or tractor ...

Physiotherapy- It's more than just pain relief ...

Often when Physio’s ask their client why they decided to book an initial appointment, the main reason is “pain”. “My shoulder hurts”, “my neck hurts” etc.. This is completely normal and understandable. Physiotherapists are equipped with a wide variety of techniques ...

Poor balance and falls risk, and what you can do about it! ...

Do you have a fear of falling over and have noticed your balance getting worse? If so then this article is for you! Unfortunately, as we get older we start to lose our balance. There are many things that can affect our balance ...

When is the best time to exercise? ...

We often get asked, when is the best time to exercise? Which time of day is going to give you the most bang for your buck to maximise results?We all know somebody who is up at the crack of dawn for their morning walk whereas, if you’re anything like me ...

Stay Strong in the Garden ...

Are you an avid gardener but finding the effort is starting to feel a little more than it used to? You don’t have to hang up the gloves yet. We have the solution for you! Resistance Training!...

Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and what to do about it...

So yesterday you smashed out your first gym session for a while, but you’ve woken up in absolute agony and can barely move a muscle. It happens to all of us, don’t worry! You’ve likely suffered from a bad case of what we call DOMS ...

Trans-Abdominal Ultrasound in Physiotherapy: A Focus on Pelvic Floor Imaging for Postnatal Clients

The landscape of physiotherapy and rehabilitation has witnessed impressive advancements in recent decades. As clinicians, our goal remains the same: to get our clients feeling better, moving better, and performing better ...

It's never too late to make a change

As the old saying goes, “whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right”. We’ve heard endless stories from clients who have been told that they cannot do something because of their ‘dodgy discs’, ‘brittle back’ or their ‘bone on bone’ knee. Hearing these phases can be more crippling than the site of pain itself ...

I couldn't do my exercises because..............

Are you someone who struggles with motivation to exercise? Do you have every excuse under the sun for not exercising? If so, continue reading as I’m going to give you the answer you’ve been searching for ...

How to prevent running injuries

Are you thinking about getting into running, but concerned about hurting yourself? Or have you tried running in the past but were hampered by niggling injuries?  Running is an excellent way to improve our fitness and overall health. It’s great for our cardiovascular (heart) health, lungs, joints, bones, mental health, and the list goes on ...

Paediatric Exercise Physiology: How we can help your child reach their goals

Do you believe your child would benefit from physical activity and requires some help? If so, then this article might be for you. We have all heard how important physical activity and exercise is for a child’s health, development and confidence. However, for some children, participating in physical activity isn’t as easy or as fun as it sounds....

The story behind clicky and crunchy joints

As we age, our bodies begin to change, we get freckles, skin blemishes, scars, our hair changes colour (or even falls out..) and our joints start to make funny noises they didn’t use to make before. A lot of these things can be hidden with make-up, hair colouring or even a wig! But what can we do about these noisy joints? We’ve all heard it, somebody bends down and their knee goes “POP” which ...

We have Telehealth at EP Physio Plus!

During During these difficult times, it is important that we as healthcare providers to the community are responsible and innovative in the way we deliver our care. We are excited by the opportunity to develop new and improved ways to help our clients, and one way we can do this is through telehealth appointments. This blog outlines how telehealth works...

S.M.A.R.Ten up your New Years goals

Many people take the start of the new year as the perfect opportunity to start fresh and make some goals for the new year whether they be fitness, financial, health or otherwise. For most people, these goals are short lived and fall into the “I’ll try again next year” basket. This is mainly due to ...

Announcing our new Junior Strength & Conditioning program!

Have you considered Strength and Conditioning exercise for your children? or wondered about the benefits that it  could provide? There are plenty of misconceptions about this topic out there so this article aims to clear up these notions and explore the many benefits of strength exercise for children. Strength and resistance training is ...

What to expect when you come to EP Physio Plus

It is not uncommon to be met with a blank expression from our clients when we ask why they have come to see us. We often hear things like “I’m not exactly sure what a Physio does” or “I’m just here because my Doctor told me to come.” The purpose of this blog is to give you a really good idea of  ...

Inflammation & swelling

Is swelling and inflammation holding you back? Do sore and swollen joints stop you from doing the things you love? This is an important article that might get you thinking differently about swelling and inflammation. Pain and discomfort associated with inflammation and swelling can ...

Embrace the Winter Chill: How Exercise Keeps you warm & moving well.

As the winter chill sets in, it's tempting to retreat under layers of blankets and hibernate until spring. But did you know that exercising during the winter months can do wonders for your overall well-being? As a physiotherapist ...

Move it or lose it! But how often should you move it?

We all know that we need to exercise regularly to maintain good health but how much do we actually need to be doing to experience the benefits of exercise? To save you doing the research yourself, the World Health Organisation has done it for you and written a lovely report on it! As your time is precious, I’m here to summarise the key points ...

What is an Exercise Physiologist?

How can an Exercise Physiologist help you? Have you heard about Exercise Physiologists, but never really known what they do or whether they could help you? This article will give you an excellent understanding of the profession and whether they could make a world of difference to your life ...

The Key to Unlocking Chronic Pain Relief: The Power of Movement.

As a dedicated physiotherapist, my primary goal is to help you find relief from chronic pain and improve your quality of life. Today, I want to talk to you about an essential aspect of pain management...

"I have a bursa"

There are two types of Bursa, one is a large city in Turkey and the other is a small fluid filled sac found all throughout our body- also picturesque. Bursae help reduce friction between bones to allow for free flowing movement in the joints of the body, today, we’ll be discussing the later. We have a lot of people present to our clinic after being told they have bursitis or bursal thickening ...

The truth behind disc bulges

Do they slip? Can they heal? Want the answers? Keep reading! Time and time again, we hear our clients and family members saying things like “I can’t do that, I’ve got a slipped disc” or “don’t do that, you’ll slip a disc!” or “a physio told me years ago that I can’t bend forwards again because of my disc bulge”. Sound familiar? Time to change! ... 

Want to make 2022 the year you take control of your Osteoarthritis?

Have you stopped doing the things you love or don’t enjoy doing things you used to because of joint pain? Just recently, there has been a mountain of evidence to show that exercise is recommended over knee or hip surgery in the management of osteoarthritic pain with multiple organisations making exercise their most recommended ...