Stay Strong in the Garden!

Are you an avid gardener but finding the effort is starting to feel a little more than it used to?

You don’t have to hang up the gloves yet. We have the solution for you!

Resistance Training!

It's a form of exercise where we use resistance to challenge your muscles to produce force.

We use resistance training  in our practice to condition your body to achieve a certain movement, sport, exercise or task. For example, if digging in the garden is becoming difficult, a resistance exercise program will help you to help build up the your muscles to make that task easier.

There are many forms of resistance exercise. The right one for you will depend on your goal and the specific movement or task that you want to be able to achieve.

I have outlined the 3 most common forms of resistance training below:

STRENGTH refers to your body’s ability to perform a maximum effort of your muscles for one repetition only..

Gardening example: lifting a bag of potting mix from the ground up into the back of your car. You are only having to do the task once, but the effort required is large due to the weight of the bag.

ENDURANCE refers to your ability to perform a low-medium effort with your muscles repetitively over an extended period of time.

Gardening example: digging some new manure into the veggie garden. It doesn’t need a maximum effort yet we need it constantly over an extended period of time. 

POWER is the ability to perform a medium-large effort with your muscles over a very short period of time.

Gardening example: the hard and fast effort you need to push the shovel down when you hit a hard bit of ground. Another example is  tripping over whilst in the garden and needing to move yourself fast to stay up.

All 3 elements of resistance training play their role in helping condition your body to do the things you want to do! If you’d like to learn more about resistance training, give us a call on 8682 6665 and speak to one of our allied health professionals today or book online.

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