Move better this harvest season

It’s that time of year, many of our local farmers are currently hard at work harvesting their crops. 

Our bodies are designed to move, they are not designed to sit still for hours on end. The more movement we do, the better our bodies do. However, during this busy time of year most farmers spend 10-14 hours a day sitting in a machine such as a header or tractor. This prolonged sitting position can cause the body to become stiff and prone to injuries when doing every day activities. We understand time is an important factor when it comes to participating in exercise for farmers during harvest, so we have come up with some suggestions of exercises you can do while working. 

By exercising in the cab while sitting hour after hour, putting in and taking off the crop, you can help to alleviate symptoms such as stiff shoulders, tennis elbow, lower back pain, neck pain and reduced concentration.

A tailor made exercise program can also in the long run help to minimize the likelihood of these issues turning into long-term aches and pains.

Here are some exercises we recommend for those long days in the header to help prevent these aches and pains:

Chin Tucks- Sit up straight,  push your chin back, hold for 5 seconds, then relax. Repeat 5 times. 

Seated Twist- In a seated position, turn towards the arm rest, take a good grip and pull yourself towards the arm rest and hold for 5 seconds then swing around and go the other way.

Knee extensions- In a seated position, extend the lower leg until the whole leg is sticking straight out. Repeat 20 times. Repeat for both legs.

Seated marching-  In a seated position, lean back into your seat, bend your knee up towards your chest and then back down. Repeat 20 times each side. Repeat for both legs.

Shoulder rolls-  In seated position, lift your shoulders up, backwards, down and around. Repeat 10 times. Changed direction of roll, Lift your shoulders backwards, upwards, forwards and down. Repeat 10 times.

Here are some extra exercises to outside of the header or tractor:

Back bends- Stand with feet shoulder distance apart facing the tractor Tyre and your feet about 30cm back Cross your arms, Lean into the Tyre, Arch your back towards the Tyre. Hold for 10 seconds Straighten up. Repeat 5 times.

Forward bend- Stand upright, gently and slowly lean forward at waist until you feel a gentle stretch in the back of your legs. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

If you would like further advice on how to prevent injuries this harvest season call us today on 8682 6665 or click book online below to see one of our awesome clinicians.

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