Make an EP your PT!

Are you hesitant to hire a personal trainer or hit the gym on your own, because you’re worried that your health problems are going to get in the way? Keep on reading because we have the solution for you. 

Earlier this year, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare found that 55% of Australian adults do not meet the recommended guidelines for daily physical activity (AIHW, 2021). 

Without sufficient physical activity in our lives, we are putting ourselves at a much greater risk of suffering from chronic health conditions such as Cardiovascular Disease, Type 2 Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and Depression. 

However, when those physical activity levels increase, we not only reduce the risk of developing the conditions mentioned above, but also add years to our life, improve energy levels and are able to keep doing the things we enjoy well into our older years. 

I am a firm believer that EVERYONE is capable of being physically active, regardless of the health conditions that may limit them from participating in more common forms of “exercise”. 

Getting started though, can be a scary and intimidating prospect, with gyms full of mirrors, muscles and macho men. 

Could there be another way? Read on to find out...

Why not make an EP your PT? 

Here’s the top 5 reasons why an Exercise Physiologist is the perfect match to help you navigate the world of exercise:

  • They’re University-trained and registered Allied Health Professionals. This means you are eligible for Private Health rebates and can also access many other referral pathways such as Medicare or through the NDIS.
  • These years at University are spent studying the many chronic health conditions that are present in our community and how to exercise safely and effectively to manage them.
  • They understand that there are many barriers to exercise and the importance of having strategies to help overcome them. 
  • They set SMART goals that are individualised and relevant to WHY you want to exercise. Most importantly, they love to see you achieve them! 
  • Last but not least, Exercise Physiologists understand that there’s more to exercising than burpees, push ups and hill sprints. They know how to match the right exercise to the right person and make it an ENJOYABLE experience for all involved! 

If any of this has struck home to you, you’ll be glad to know that we have an awesome team of Exercise Physiologists here at EP Physio Plus who want to help you! 

Are you ready to take the leap?

Call the clinic on 8682 6665 and or book online by clicking the 'Book now' button below.

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