What to expect when you come to EP Physio Plus

It is not uncommon to be met with a blank expression from our clients when we ask why they have come to see us. We often hear things like “I’m not exactly sure what a Physio does” or “I’m just here because my Doctor told me to come.” The purpose of this blog is to give you a really good idea of what to expect when you come to see us so that you can get the most out of your session.

Your first session is an awesome opportunity for us to gather as much information about you and your condition as possible. Before we even get to discussing your condition, it’s important for us to understand your story. We want to know why you have decided to seek help with your condition whether it be a recent issue or a longer term problem. This will help us to understand your motivation and reasoning to seek help. 

Following on from this, we are keen to know what you want from your session with us, the clearer you are on what you want from your session, the easier it is for us to tailor the session to meet your expectations and answer any questions you might have about your condition. 

Next we would love to establish some goals no matter how big or small they might be. Whether it is to run a marathon or simply reach the top shelf at home without pain, everyone’s goals are different but equally important to the person. These goals give us something to work towards so we can celebrate them when we reach them! Once we’ve established your goals, we need to identify what’s stopping you from reaching them. Knowing what these barriers are is useful so that we can discuss ways to break down these barriers to recovery so that a better outcome can be reached.

Next we need to perform a thorough history of your problem. This will involve asking things like when did it start, how did it start and what your symptoms are. Another important thing for us to know is what are the things that aggravate your pain. Once a comprehensive history has been taken, the objective examination is performed. This involves doing a few different movements, your physio performing some specific tests as well as feeling the muscle or joint involved. 

After this process, you will be provided with a diagnosis and a prognosis based on your assessment. We will explain to you exactly what it is going to take for you to resolve this issue and in what time frame considering all the information available as well as your individual goals. 

Hopefully this blog has cleared up any queries you might have about what to expect when you come to see us! 

Give us a call today on 8682 6665, or click on 'book now' below to book an appointment online.

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